Tuesday 20 May 2014

Jack, Red, Frank & Hannibal

Well where do I start?  I have to highly recommend four TV shows for you based simply on absolutely brilliant characters / scripts but also amazing actors.

Have you seen "Hannibal?"  It's a TV show and is the prequel to the Silence of the Lambs series of films.  The premise is that no-one yet knows that Hannibal Lecter is a psychotic serial killer, and in the series he is an eminent and well respected phsychologist.  He initially works with a damaged FBI profiler / psychologist, then works with the FBI.  Totally amazing.  The script is so clever and Hannibal is super intelligent but very, very sinister.  The conversations between him and his psychologist patient Will Graham are so clever and you need to concentrate.  Hannibal is played by Danish actor Mads Mikkelson.  Gillian Anderson has been fab as his psychologist and deserves special credit.

What about  "The Blacklist?"  About a naval officer turned super criminal who is one of America's most wanted.  He negotiates a deal with the authorities to give them insider information about some of the cleverest and most sought after criminals in return for intelligence once they are caught.  There's a bigger background story arc about why this super criminal is not just away enjoying his life, but I wont waste it.  James Spader plays Red (Raymond Reddington), with an amazing array of emotions, camp performances and a dark side.  Love it.  Must watch.  Gutted season one finished and it didn't answer any of my questions.

A Netflix exclusive, so if you haven't already got access you should - "House of Cards".  Totally immense political thriller has had two seasons now.  We watched each one over a weekend, it is that good.  The amazing Kevin Spacey is Frank Underwood.  He is an evil political genius who plays the long game.  And it works.  Worth the Netflix subscripton for this alone.

And Jack's back!  Jack Bauer who else?  Well who did you really think I was talking about?  Ha ha.  We are only three hours into the current worst day of his life.  That man has had some right bad luck, but we still love him.  Even if he tortures bad guys to save the rest of the world.  Well that should keep you all going for a wee bit.

Catch you later chickens x

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