Sunday 11 May 2014

Happy Birthday Woofy Dog

This is Woofy Dog.  Today is his First Birthday.  I was never an animal person you know.  I had never been brought up with any kind of creatures so was unfamiliar with their ways and how to act around them.  If you'd asked me I would have said I was afraid of dogs.

You already know that I adore my beautiful kitten.  We've had her for nearly eight years.  That made me realise that I've always been an animal person, I just didn't know it before.  So when I decided a couple of years ago that I needed a lifestyle change I thought a dog would get me up off the couch and walk at least once a day.  It still took about 18 months for the time to be right and due to a series of co-incidental events, we were put in touch with a local breeder in April 2013.

This is Woofy at one week old!  We went to see the litter of five boys and one girl.  We wanted a boy.  Woofy's mum and litter were all chilling quietly but he weaved his way across the pen with his eyes still shut (as puppies do at one week old!) straight to Lovely Husband.  It was pretty much a done deal after that.  All the boys were pure black except for Woofy.  He had a tiny patch of white hair on his chest and another on his chin.  He still has them.  it was the only way to tell him apart from his brothers.

Lovely husband grew up with dogs, mostly Poodles, so he was keen that whatever dog we got had to be some kind of Oodle.  Preferably a toy or miniature as we have limited space what with the two humans and a cat already living here.  The breeder had a litter.  Mum is a Miniature Poodle and dad a miniature Schnauzer.  So technically Schnoodles, but Lovely husband can't bring  himself to say that name, so we just call Woofy a Schnauzer Poodle cross.

We had to wait another seven weeks before we were allowed to bring him home and it was really hard.  Now that he had picked us I was dying for him to come home.  This is Woofy at eight weeks old just as we got him home.  And today is his first birthday!  And we've not broken him!  Now I know I've not told you a lot about his madness and carry on, but we have plenty of time for that.  I  just wanted to introduce him on his first birthday.  My handsome Woofy boy.  Currently he is running in mad circles around the living room chasing a red laser light shone by Lovely Husband.  His tail is straight up and wagging like a furry madman.

Anyway, catch you later chickens x

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